Visitor to Nashville Discovers We’re Not All Ignorant Rednecks

Visitor to Nashville Discovers We’re Not All Ignorant Rednecks

Throughout the country there are cities that are synonymous with specific events or iconography that is interwoven into their very essence. For instance, when I say Orlando, chances are the first thing that pops into your head is Disney. If I say Detroit, it’s likely that the first thing that pops in your head is the auto industry.

But what about food identity? In some cities, food is the defining identity. New Orleans has Cajun, Miami has Cuban, and Austin has barbecue. These food cultures exist, and likely for good reason, but the cities themselves do not exist exclusively in food vacuums. The fact that Chicago is known for an iconic hot dog is only a superficial glance at the true culinary identity of the city. These cultures are part perception, part reality, part branding and part of the interwoven consciousness that surrounds a specific place.

But is it their identity? Yes and no. (continue reading)

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