How to Be Safe During a Tornado

How to Be Safe During a Tornado

Safest Places to Be During a Tornado

If a tornado has been spotted or indicated by weather radar, you need to seek shelter immediately. Of course, the safest place to be when a tornado approaches is in a basement or storm shelter underground. But if you are not able to get to a shelter or basement, you need to find shelter that is available.

If you are at home

If you have a cellar, storm shelter, safe room or basement available, go immediately to that area. If none of these options are available to you, get to the lowest level of your home.
Get to a windowless interior room, such as a bathroom, closet or inner hallway
Stay as far from windows as possible
Go to the center of the room – corners tend to attract debris
Get under a sturdy piece of furniture; heavy table or desk, and hold on to it
Protect your head and neck with a blanket, if possible
If you are in a mobile home

Mobile homes are particularly vulnerable to tornadoes. They can be easily overturned, even if precautions have been taken to tie down the unit. If you are in a mobile home when a tornado is approaching, evacuate the home immediately.

Take shelter in a building with a strong foundation
If a shelter is not available, lie in a ditch or low-lying area a safe distance away from the mobile home.
Use your arms to protect head and neck

If you are at work or school (continue reading)

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