Do You Really Need Nutritional Supplements?

Do You Really Need Nutritional Supplements?

Do you need NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS? If you eat a diet that includes products made with sugar and white flour, the answer is absolutely yes. Even if you eat a healthy diet, the answer is yes.

FOOD CHOICES that include sugar, white flour, caffeine, sodas and not enough whole grains and fruits and vegetables don’t have the correct nutrients to begin with, and to make things worse, they deplete other necessary nutrients. Some of the nutrients simply are not in the soil as a result of modern farming techniques. Other nutrients are not in the food by the time we eat it, since nutrition declines during transit time from field to grocery store or during the process of freezing or canning.

With the PLETHORA OF PRODUCTS available, how do you decide what you need? I recommend some basic categories such as a multi-vitamin and an omega 3 oil. You will probably need other supplements depending on your health and your health goals. Some of the choices include support for brain and nerve health, good digestion, healthy joints, hormone balance, bone health, energy, immune function, healthy eyes, varicose veins, sound sleep, etc. (continue reading)

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